Saturday, January 10, 2009

Now I know what government cheese tastes like...

And it's not so great, (at least the semi-solid, sort that resembles velveeta in a foil pouch, if it were more of a brownish-orange, with no real taste of it's own). But I guess they make thousands of these a day, and they don't have to be pretty, or taste anything like the label indicates that it should. For some reason I have this feeling that I will lose a ridiculous amount of weight at basic training if this (mre's) are all that they plan on offering. Either that or I will become fully addicted to tabasco just so I don't starve to death.

I guess I brought this on myself, I was the one who decided to join the military, even if other people's decisions made it much easier to take that leap (thanks sibs). Maybe I figured that my parents deserve to have at least 1/3 of their adult children turn out ok. I don't have a baby or the appalling accessory, the astranged baby daddy. I've been mostly successful at holding down a job since I was legally able (almost 10 years, but don't remind my mother, it makes her feel old). I've never been to prison, and have no foresee able reason to end up there. I want to obtain a college degree. I might add that I changed my mind about culinary arts along the way, it was a good way to earn a substantial amount of debt and frustration, not a fun way to earn a living (so I'm changing tactics). Athough I did spend a good bit of my young adulthood in bars, I didn't end up with a drinking problem. What I did, was have the opportunity to meet people (mostly guys) and see the bands that made their way through town, which was probably what helped me get over being so painfully shy. That, and maybe a couple of rum and cokes.

But you will never have stories to tell your grandchildren if you never go out and do anything with your life. I've met a lot of people that I never would have pictured myself having the guts to go talk to years ago. Although lately I have been staying home a fair amount of the time (home being a relative term for: my parents house, my aunt's and uncle's, and the starbucks at five mile - since I thought I was leaving a lot sooner than April, and gave up my apartment much too soon) knitting for my website and outlining my next road trip, Portland.

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